When pushing changes from DevKinsta to MyKinsta, you can only push to a Standard or Premium Staging Environment; you can’t push to a live site directly from DevKinsta. Once you’ve pushed your changes from DevKinsta to a staging environment, you can then push from staging to live in MyKinsta.


  1. Select the site you want to push from in DevKinsta.
  2. Click the Sync button and select Push to Kinsta in the dropdown menu.
  3. If you are not currently logged in to your MyKinsta account in your DevKinsta settings, you’ll be prompted to log in (and provide 2FA if it’s enabled).
  4. Select the environment you want to push your changes to.
  5. You can choose what to pull from your hosted site to your DevKinsta site:
    • only the selected files,
    • only the database,
    • or both.
  6. Click Push site to begin pushing your changes.

Pushing your changes to staging will:

  • Overwrite all files, if selected.
  • Overwrite the database, if selected.
  • Change the Site URL from local to the primary domain of the staging environment you’re pushing to.
  • Push every existing WordPress user from the DevKinsta site if database is selected.

Won’t change: