When adding an application, you’ll need to select a Git provider and repository from your account. In addition to GitHub, you can also choose from Bitbucket or GitLab.

Authenticate and Authorize

The first time you add an application in MyKinsta, you’ll need to connect Kinsta to your GitHub account so you can authorize the Kinsta GitHub application. When you click the Add service button and select Add application from the dropdown menu, you’ll be prompted to connect Kinsta to your GitHub account.

Connect Kinsta with your GitHub account.
Connect Kinsta with your GitHub account.

If you aren’t currently logged in to GitHub, you’ll need to log in. On the next page, you’ll need to authenticate so you can authorize access. The last step is to authorize the Kinsta GitHub application for access to your GitHub account.

Authorize Kinsta to connect to your GitHub account.
Authorize Kinsta to connect to your GitHub account.

Go back to MyKinsta, where you can begin adding your application and installing the Kinsta GitHub application to your repository.

Edit GitHub Permissions

In the Add application modal/pop-up, click the GitHub repository field and select Edit GitHub permissions in the dropdown.

Edit GitHub permissions when adding an application.
Edit GitHub permissions when adding an application.

This initiates the installation of the Kinsta GitHub application to your GitHub Account. If you have access to multiple accounts, choose the correct account to install it on.

Install the Kinsta GitHub application to your GitHub Account.
Install the Kinsta GitHub application to your GitHub Account.

You can specify exactly what this application has access to on the next screen. We aim to have as little access as possible to your data, so we recommend not giving the application access to all repositories. Click Only select repositories, and choose the repository you would like to deploy.

Select the GitHub repository you want to deploy on Kinsta.
Select the GitHub repository you want to deploy on Kinsta.

Finally, click Save, and you’re good to go. When you go back to MyKinsta and click the GitHub repository field, you should see the authorized repository now available.

Select the repository to deploy.
Select the repository to deploy.

Remove Kinsta Access to GitHub

You can remove Kinsta’s access to your GitHub account either through MyKinsta or GitHub.

Remove Access via MyKinsta

In MyKinsta, click on your username and go to User settings > Access. In Application access, click Revoke for the GitHub application.

The GitHub application in MyKinsta application access.
The GitHub application in MyKinsta application access.

Remove Access via GitHub

In GitHub, click on your user avatar and go to Settings > Applications > Authorized GitHub Apps. Click Revoke for the Kinsta GitHub application.

Kinsta GitHub application in Authorized GitHub Apps.
Kinsta GitHub application in Authorized GitHub Apps.

In the confirmation modal/pop-up, click I understand, revoke access.

Revoke access for the Kinsta GitHub application.
Revoke access for the Kinsta GitHub application.

If you try to add a new application in MyKinsta, you must authenticate and authorize the Kinsta GitHub application to reconnect it to your GitHub account.


If you’re having trouble seeing your repositories in the Add application modal/pop-up, you may need to re-authenticate and authorize the Kinsta GitHub application. To do that, start by removing access between Kinsta and GitHub as described above.

In MyKinsta, in the Add application modal/pop-up (Add service > Add application), go through the authenticate and authorize steps to connect Kinsta to your GitHub account again.

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