All verified domains are automatically protected by our Cloudflare integration, which includes free SSL certificates with wildcard support. For users who prefer to go the custom SSL route, MyKinsta also supports custom SSL certificates.

Step 1 — Purchase SSL Certificate

Purchase your SSL certificate from any vendor you like, such as Comodo, DigiCert, GeoTrust, Thawte, or Trustwave. Kinsta supports all types of SSL certificates.

Step 2 — Server Type

You are asked to provide the server type when purchasing a new SSL certificate. Our web server type is Nginx. If that option is not available, then “Apache” or “Other” will also work.

Step 3 — Generate CSR and Private Key

The SSL provider will need a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) to create/sign the certificate file. For generating a CSR and RSA key (together known as a key pair), please complete this form: Online CSR and Key Generator.

We recommend filling out every field, but at a minimum, you should fill in the following, as seen in the example below:

  • Common name (domain name)
  • Email Address
  • Organization
  • City / Locality
  • State / County / Region
  • Country

Note: For the common name field, if you’re generating a wildcard certificate, you’ll need to input your domain name like *

Generate CSR form.
Generate CSR form.

The form will generate the Private Key file and the CSR. Save both of those, as the certificate will be unusable without them.

CSR and private key.
CSR and private key.

Step 4 — Upload CSR and Generate SSL Certificate

Upload only your CSR with your SSL provider to generate your SSL certificate (.cert file). Once you receive your SSL certificate from your provider, you can install it in MyKinsta. Follow the relevant guide below to install your SSL certificate in MyKinsta.